Lab Works
I. DB Conceptual Design.
LW-01EN. Creation ER Diagrams with Online CASE Tools.
- LW-01EN. Report Blank Form.
- 0. Read. ERD Introduction. [pdf]
- 1. Soft. [online]
- 2. Look. - Creating ERD. [video 11 min]
- 3. Look. - Creating ERD from SQL. [animation]
- 4. Look. - ERD Example
- 5. Soft. LucidChart [online]
- 6. Look. LucidChart - ER diagram Tool [topic]
- 7. Look. LucidChart - ERD Example
- 8. Soft. VisualParadigm Online ERD Tool [online]
- 6. Soft. Creately.comt [online]
II. DB Logical Design.
LW-02EN. Creation Relation Data Model with Online CASE Tools.
- LW-02EN. Report Blank Form.
- 1. Look. Convert ERD to RDM on [video 11 min]
- 2. Soft. - design RDM and generate SQL script for SQLite, MySQL, MSSql, Oracle.
- 3. Read. DBDesigner Support
- 4. Soft. dbDiffo - really free online data modeler RDM and generate SQL-code for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSql, Oracle, IBM DB2.
III. DB Physical Design. SQL DDL.
LW-03EN. Creation MySQL Database on a XAMPP Stack or DBMS Hosting.
LW-03ENa. MySQL Command Line Client Exercises.
- LW-03EN. Report Blank Form.
- 1. Soft. XAMPP Stack - Apache+MariaDB+PHP+Perl+phpMyAdmin.
- 2. Read. MySQL Client - Some Basic Operations with Command Line Client.
- 3. Read. MySQL Tutorial.
- 4. Soft. - free database hosting MySQL+phpMyAdmin.
- 5. Soft. - free web hosting (MySQL+phpMyAdmin+CPanel+domain+LAMP+email+ZackyAppInstaller).
- 6. Soft. - online MySQL (Free).
- 7. Soft. - online MySQL (Free).Register
- 8. Soft. - online demo (root).
- 9. Soft. - online demo.
- 10. Soft.
- 11. Soft.
- 12. Soft. - Full Stack Free Web Hosting with PHP and MySQL.
- 13. Soft. - XAMPP for Browsers. (Any changes will be lost if you close this browser tab!)
IV. DB Data Modification.
LW-04EN. SQL: Data Modification Exercises (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE).
- LW-04EN. Report Blank Form.
- SQL Exercises. DML: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. Make ANY 11 from 57 tasks.
- Интерактивный учебник по SQL Full (EN=RU) (link)
- Упражнения и Сертификация к Интерактивному учебнику по SQL (EN=RU) (link)
- Краткий Интерактивный учебник по SQL (EN=RU) (link)
- Схемы БД для Интерактивного учебника по SQL (EN=RU) (link)
V. DB Data Retrieving.
LW-05EN. SQL: Data Retrieving Exercises (Select)
- LW-05EN. Report Blank Form.
- SQL Exercises. DML: SELECT (learning stage). Make ANY 31 from 190 tasks.
- Интерактивный учебник по SQL Full (EN=RU) (link)
- Упражнения и Сертификация к Интерактивному учебнику по SQL (EN=RU) (link)
- Краткий Интерактивный учебник по SQL (EN=RU) (link)
- Схемы БД для Интерактивного учебника по SQL (EN=RU) (link)
Practice Works
*PW-01EN. SQL: Interactive Tutorial on SQL Bolt Site. (online)
- Without any Report.
- Complete 18 Lessons and 18 Exercises on SQL Bolt Site (
*PW-02EN. SQL: Training Quizzes on SQL Zoo Site.
- Without any Report.
- Complete next 8 Tutorials and 6 Quizzes on SQL Zoo Site ( 0. SELECT basics Tutorial. (3 tasks + 7 quiz questions)
- Register on SQL Zoo. (link)
- Video-instruction. Analysis for Wrong Answer. [video 3 min]
- Video-instruction. Solution Example for Select in Select Nr 5 Solution. [video 5 min]
1. SELECT names Tutorial. (15 tasks + 0 quiz questions)
2. SELECT from WORLD Tutorial. (13 tasks + 7 quiz questions)
3. SELECT from Nobel Tutorial. (14 tasks + 7 quiz questions)
4. SELECT within SELECT Tutorial. (10 tasks + 7 quiz questions)
5. SUM and COUNT Tutorial. (8 tasks + 8 quiz questions)
6. The JOIN operation Tutorial. (13 tasks + 7 quiz questions)
8+. Numeric Examples Tutorial. (8 tasks + 0 quiz questions)
*PW-03EN (Optional). Free Querys Training on SQL Tutorial Site. (online)
*PW-04EN (Optional). SQL Quizzes and Exercises on w3schools Site (online).
- Without any Report.
- W3schools registration.
- 1. W3schools SQL Quiz. (25q/20min)
- 2. W3schools MySQL Quiz. (25q/20min)
- 3. W3schools SQL Exercises. (52 exercises in 16 groups)
- Make Your score ScreenShot.
Home Works
HW-01,02,03,04,05EN. Relational Database Design. Guideline.
- HW-01,02,03,04,05EN. Task Variants.
- HW-01-05EN. Report Blank Form.
- HW-01EN. Conceptual Database Design. Subject Area Analyze, ERD.
- HW-02EN. Logical Database Design. Data Dictionary, RDM, Normalization.
- HW-03EN. Physical Database Design. SQL DDL/DML: Create, Insert Design.
- HW-04EN. SQL DML: Select Design.
- HW-05EN (Optional). SQL DDL/DML: View, Update, Delete Design.
- HW-06EN (Optional). Web Application Design for Databases.
Names homework parties (you consistently solve one problem for all parts):
- WWW SQL Designer [online] - similar to DbDesigner, but worse.
- phpMyAdmin [online] - press "Try demo" button.
- Adminer [online] - online demo (as root create new DB, select utf8_unicode_ci).
- Adminer - Home Page. [link]
- MySQL Workbench - unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs.
- MySQL Workbench for Mac.
- Visual Studio Code Download.
- MySQL Shell for VS Code.
- Visual Studio Code Download. Server connection
- PuTTY 0.70 Portable [exe, 1.4 MiB]
- WinSCP 5.11.3 Portable [exe, 7.7 MiB]